Red Joy

A single flower can often make more of a statement than a whole bouquet.  Please don't think that I am against bouquets... I love flowers, all varieties.  Some of you may not know that I was a florist for 20 years, which may be one of the reasons that I am so intrigued with painting flowers.   Once again the analogy seems to come around to comparing everything to people... getting to know a single bloom by taking the time to appreciate it as a whole and then setting aside some time to learn more about what makes it unique is so fulfilling.  A quick look shows its shape, colour,  and texture; but when you take quality time with the bloom you begin to see and understand more...  The little imperfections and quirky traits give it character.  It's like having the chance to talk with one person at a party.  The party can be quite a bit of fun but sometimes you come away wishing you had taken the time to talk with some of the guests on an individual bases... so that you could appreciate them on a deeper level.

Don't think that Red Joy is just another wall flower... 

8x10 oil on canvas ( needs some drying time, but let me know if you want her at your next party)