Calla Pink
10x10 oil on canvas
Sorry for this same painting coming out to everyone again... but is seems that the blogger site was down for maintenance yesterday, and they wiped out everyone's Wednesday posting, so I am forced to post it again, (otherwise it will not show up on my blog), which mean it you get to see it in your in box again...
*Tomorrow I am posting a painting from a young artist in Nova Scotia who copied one of my paintings as an art assignment in her high school art class... you will get to see her version and my original.
While snooping around a local green house last week I came upon a lovely display of calla lily plants. They were all snuggled together on various tiers of a wooden display bench, looking like a choir group about to break out into song. This collection of blooms stood tall and proud, illuminated by the sunlight filtering through the transparent roof. How could I possibly resist anything so pretty...
$150.00 (+ 15.00 S&H anywhere in North America)
10x10 oil on canvas